
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

It's been too long...and it is cold again...

Seriously, it's been too long. But thankfully the sun has surfaced and is shining! Yay!

February TasteGuru box arrived over the weekend! Yay! So much fun opening and seeing what I get to try this month (okay, what we get to try)! I decided to try the popcorn kernel centers Friday night and think cornnuts with less flavor but fun to eat. I opted for the Pad Thai Vegan cup for lunch on Monday. The Dr McDougall's cup was super easy to prepare and actually tasted really good. Think, cup o noodles. 

I also made these slamming chocolate chip cookies! Possibly the best gluten free chocolate chip cookie yet! I altered the recipe a bit to make it without the gluten and cut the sugar from the original recipe and replaced it with coconut sugar and some raw brown sugar. Also used the vanilla bean paste in place of extract. You will not believe how much better the paste is until you use it and then you will never thing of extract the same again. You will only have room for paste in your heart and cupboard. If you don't know what I am talking about or want to get some, stroll on over to Sur la table and pick up a jar (or google works too).

Career update:

I want to find a job so I can rationalize splurging on some boiled crawfish! How Louisiana is that?!

In all seriousness....I had a great interview series yesterday. I do feel like things are happening but I am acutely aware that I need to remain open and patient. So, this is me being patient. Blogging, yogaing, netflixing, baking, chatting, reading, studying, and you get the picture. 

K and I are also back on our juicing regimen. Life is better when you juice. So #juicemesomething
Liver fat melting concoction 

I have accomplished some rather productive things around the house in my downtime. I reorganized the craft closet, I am working on our master closet, and I have cleared the laundry room by about 72%. I also rearranged the living room furniture, revamped my massage website and am on the brink of mastering "what the crock enchiladas". And I went a little more effortlessly into handstand today. Not too shabby. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Oil, Interviews, Views and Tattoos

There's no denying the great view one has while sitting on the second floor of the new main library along the windows. It's, dare I say, magical. Ethereal. Peaceful. Encouraging. Vast. Hopeful. And in it's simplicity, beautiful. The chairs are quite cozy as well. I am fond of my little area where I started setting up camp little over a week ago. So fond that the other day I was a bit appalled that no one saved me a spot at a table nor offered to share their space and I was forced to find refuge on the far left side where it is nosier. Hmpf! I thought. How dare them! However, it is clear that it is public and they do not know me as I do not know them and it wasn't intentional, except that one woman...just kidding. It did make me think though. I tend to get a bit aggressive and protective. Maybe I need to step back and realize that just like at the library and in yoga class, the space is for everyone and living in the moment and present and without attachment is the best way to escape the "mine trap".

This morning I went to the oil lease with Dad and we walked through the whole procedure. I hope I can keep that going. I am not confident in my gauges lately. I will know tomorrow if they are on point and will address it with him again at that time.

I had an interview with ACI and was really impressed with their company and model. It was a great meeting and hopefully the results with be equally great.

And as for the tattoos part of the title, I am really feeling an upward and onward arrows tattoo at this moment...we shall see.

Monday, February 17, 2014

When it pertains to coffee, the glass is usually half empty...

Staples of the unemployed. #firstworldproblems 
Laptop, paper, pen, water and coffee, always coffee
If I am at a computer and not watching Netflix, it is likely that I have paper and pen, coffee and water next to me. Like if I go camping, I will bring mosquito repellent, water and a tent. Today's survival items are a bit more techy. We need wifi, cell phones with long batt life and coffee. Copious amounts of coffee. The funny thing about being unemployed is you look at your cup of coffee differently. Suddenly, instant coffee with it's lack-less luster and institution quality actually becomes a staple in your kitchen. $5 lattes are a thing of the past. And good riddance. I like my money in my pocket where I can count it. Every penny counts these days, or every dollar for that matter. Not sure what you can get with pennies these days, unless you have a pickup truck full of them. Daily Yoga quotes is one of my favorite apps and it always is so perfect and poignant. Taking what comes teaches us to be present.
This Daily Yoga thought says it all

Martina sent me some pictures over the weekend and I was thrilled to discover that she and Falco found an Alina's cafe while on their weekend getaway (how European! minibreaks, Americans should follow suit). I love the glimpses of Germany and abroad that she sends to me. Thank goodness for Whatsapp for making global communication amazing.

Sebastian, my dear, played in a concert on Saturday. It was beautiful (like usual). The children are so talented that it floors me every time. He is growing so fast. Becoming a young man before my eyes. I love him dearly and know he will do great things.

And also this weekend, I spent time with my dad and enjoyed a bit of sunshine in the process. Thank goodness. The gray days were starting to get to me.

Sunday, I made a crock meal. What the crock! Potato Soup and Sunday Ribs. Lovely and delicious and the house smelled yummy all day.

Martina found this cafe on weekend getaway! How fun! I want to go!

"You make me happy when skies are gray, you'll never know dear how much I love you"

LYO Second Block Concert 2014

Finally! The sun arrives!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine, won't you be mine? And much more happenings....

It's Valentine's Day, the sun is out, the weather is nearly perfect temp (shorts/pants/light jacket/short sleeves= it all works)and love is in the air. So many people wearing red, purple and pink. Makes you just want to smile and have some cupcakes and boxes of chocolate and sit cozy-ied up with your darling one and watch Season 2 of House of Cards. Why? Because, why not! Are you to have me believe that you aren't at all interested? Tsk. Tsk.

f you are unaware that it is Love Day, you can quickly send a virtual hug/kiss/smile with It's fun to receive too. 

In other news, life is moving forward. Onward and upward are the theme. I am using trickery to succeed. Tricking myself that things are going to improve quickly and I will be back on my way to the top or at least a midpoint. I am even sporting some new yoga capris for inspiration to keep my fitness up.

But my mind is at tug-a-war and I keep dipping into a funk and then reminding myself to smile and get on with it. I am grateful to everyone that is assisting in my search for employment and confident I will find something.

My next goal, clean the house, de-clutter, organize. I want to throw some things on Craigslist and downsize. I do want to think about getting an armoire once I am back and running (income and physically).

Monday, February 10, 2014

Thank you for firing Me!...Necessary Endings...Mandela's Way...Battleship to the Clouds

What if being fired is the best thing to happen? I firmly believe that you are where you are when you need to be as part of the great masterplan of the universe, but in the same respect, you are also not where you shouldn't be. Make sense? As I sit this morning at a table near a floor to ceiling window in the new library, I am reminded of being six and sitting in my treehouse in our backyard on Leone Street. I am indoors; but, the sight of the tree branches at eye level and cars passing in the distance takes me back to those wood walls and bare floors, the cutouts for windows and the imagination, dream and drive that was the essence of my treehouse. As I allow this memory to flood over me, I remember my dog Sam. Which makes me smirk in realization that maybe I do like animals. That little girl in me is just hurting from the loss of her pet all those years ago. I can see Jennifer's pool and roof and I know which window is hers. I can see Mom and Pop's home and the garden. But as I sit in my grownup version of the treehouse, I look off and see hope. Visible hope. I see the hope of this city. The building, remodeling, demolition and expansion of this land I am on and this new table and chair I sit at. The progression of our community is visible in the children's art exhibit downstairs. The beauty of a child's masterpiece is unparalleled. So, as I embark on this new chapter, this career change in my thirties, this new time in life; I do so with hope and optimism and yes, a little fear and a great stack of books.

This game seemed more entertaining as a kid.

Fries make great fired food.

Last winter 2013 CSA box 

Sewing 101- Bailey made a chip bag #youtubeprojects

Current Obsession- House of Cards

Because every Friday is Hawaiian Shirt Day!

Everyone needs a treat sometimes