I just hit the motherload, the whole shebang, the mecca of Whole30/paleo recipes......drumroll......CLICK HERE . I mean, only click there if you want your life to change. Only click if you want to know what it feels like to wake without dread and lick the plate clean and smile at all of the wondrous bounty surrounding you. Only click the link if you are looking to maximize your life. Yes, it is that good. If you are already gluten free, going Whole or Paleo isn't as big of a deal as one may make it (this one included). However, I am still a little turned off by the whole primal/ketogenic thing. I just love food too much to restrict awesomeness from my life. But I love myself enough to know that going Whole really can mean having it all, treats included.
As the new school year approaches (Monday), I am looking at recipes to spice up our lives and I think I will start with spices. Ooh Kathleen will love that I have a new project! (Ha) I have visions of coconut aminos chicken, pineapple and pepper kabobs dancing in my head with banana pancakes and buffalo burgers. The sizzle of a fresh farm egg hitting hot coconut oil and the arc of pink Himalayan salt cascading over the sizzling simplistic dish. This is what happens in my head when I sit to write the weekend's grocery list. Makes me so jazzed! I wonder who else gets jazzed about the grocery like this and where are those people, I want to be friends.
Perhaps all this is influenced at this moment because I know there is a cookbook on hold for me to pickup at the library tomorrow, 100 foot Journey premieres tonight and I just spent majority of my lunch break swooning over recipes online. Whatever the case, I know that food not only nourishes us and allows us to be some insanely creative omnivores, but food nourishes my soul. I love to flow in the kitchen as much as I love vinyasa on the mat. It's all interconnected and when you approach cooking connected to the ingredients and open, the plate yields a loving result. Well, work awaits and now that my grocery list is started it truly feels like the weekend is near.